Youth Opportunities

Helping Young Adults Succeed!

Ask how we can help you!

Guided by a Talent Specialist, each enrolled young adult will develop a unique plan to meet their goals and personal development. Complete the form above to request more information about our Young Adult Services! Or, contact your local service center here.

Employers Need You! 

Michigan Works! West Central’s Young Adult Services can help you gain the skills necessary to succeed in tomorrow’s workforce! Let us help you obtain the education, training and experience you need to jump start your career!

Our Young Adult Services will help you gain the skills to succeed in tomorrow’s workforce. If you are ready to work, we can help! We are looking for young adults who meet any of the below criteria:

  • Ages 14-24.
  • Getting ready to graduate from high school.
  • About to start or finish their GED.
  • A teen parent or in foster care.
  • Getting ready to enter the workforce.
  • Looking for your next step.

Michigan Works! West Central’s Young Adult Services can offer the following:

  • Young Professionals Program: A virtual job-shadow program that offers participants cash for completing online Job Search and Job Readiness activities.
  • Training Funding Assistance: We can provide funding for a short-term training (such as CNA, CDL, phlebotomy, welding and more); up to a 2-year associate degree or the last 2 years of a 4-year bachelor degree.
  • On-the-Job Training: This is an agreement between your employer and Michigan Works! West Central in which we can pay for up to 50 percent of your wages while you're training to learn your new job.
  • Work Experience: You can get paid to gain real-world experience in a variety of industries.

Our Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Young Adult Services seek to assist eligible young adults in achieving academic and employment success through effective and comprehensive activities. Program elements can include the following:

  • Tutoring, study skills training and prevention strategies.
  • Alternative secondary school offerings.
  • Paid and unpaid work experiences, including internships and job shadowing.
  • Occupational skill training.
  • Education or training for a specific occupation.
  • Leadership development.
  • Supportive services.
  • Adult Mentoring.
  • Follow-up services.
  • Guidance and counseling.
  • Financial literacy education.
  • Entrepreneurial skills training.
  • Labor market/employment information.
  • Preparation for training or further education.

Calling all employers!

Michigan Works! West Central and the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity are expanding the Young Professionals Program to a year-round effort. The purpose of the program is to engage young adults, increase career awareness, develop meaningful opportunities to connect to the workforce and reduce youth unemployment.

To achieve these goals, Michigan Works! West Central is seeking partnering employers to help introduce under-represented young adults (ages 16-24) to the working world, while providing participants and their families with income. Our combined efforts will place young adults on the right path to gain the skills necessary to achieve lifelong economic self-sufficiency.

If you are an employer and would like more information about making a connection with the next generation of the workforce, please contact us! 

Funding for Michigan Works! West Central's youth employment programs is provided by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Eligibility requirements may apply

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