Palmer is a tremendous asset to the workforce development system both locally and across county lines.
“Don is a very upbeat person, with a great personality, willing to go the extra mile to help anyone,” said Luann Dunsford, chief executive officer of the Michigan Works! Association. “His co-workers say they have yet to see him in a bad mood and he is always willing to help them with anything they need.”
Palmer has a reputation for going above and beyond to assist his clients, treating each one with care and respect.
“Don maintains a cool and calm demeanor when handling even the toughest clients,” said Shelly Keene, executive director of Michigan Works! West Central. “The way Don has handled the COVID-19 pandemic, and stepped up to assist the Unemployment Insurance Agency, has been amazing! He has empathy and patience and can deescalate situations to help calm clients who are extremely irate or upset. His attitude has remained positive through all of the turmoil and he managed to lift everyone up through some of the roughest days with his humor, compassion, and support when needed.”
Palmer said he is honored to receive this award.
“I wish to thank those who nominated me for this special honor,” said Palmer. “With the fine colleagues I work with, we will continue to make a difference by providing job seekers and employers with the tools and training they need to help meet workforce development needs.”